The Best Exercises for Every Fitness Level


  • Walking-Managing the frequency and intensity of your walk should start with short distances.
  • Bodyweight squats-stand with feet hip-width apart, bend your knees, and lower your body, then come back up to standing position.
  • Push-ups-doing push-ups on your knees with your hands about shoulder-width apart, down toward the ground, and push back up.
  • Lunges-step forward on one leg and then lower your body towards the ground as close to the back knee as possible, and retain position.
  • Plank-hold yourself on the floor on your forearms and stay straight-Keep hold.


  • Jogging/running-Increase distances traveled on a run while increasing speed.
  • Bodyweight squats (full)-Very similar to squats, though not quite so deep.
  • Push-ups-regular push-ups with your hands about shoulder-width apart.
  • Squat jump-from the squat position you will jump straight up, reaching out with your arms overhead.
  • Burpees-start standing, then squat down, and kick your feet back into plank position. Jump back in and jump up.


  • Sprinting-short, intense bursts of running.
  • Weighted squats-squats using dumbbells or a barbell for added weight.
  • Plyometrics-these exercises incorporate explosive movements with activities like box jumps or medicine ball slams.
  • HIIT-HIIT training alternates between periods of short bursts of great intensity followed by short periods of rest.
  • Compound exercises-these exercises are demanding ones that work several muscle groups simultaneously such as deadlifts or pull-ups.

Basic Guide:

  • Start out slow and progress at your own pace.
  • Listen to what your body tells you; easy, allowing it to rest.
  • Choose exercises you want or believe to be challenging.
  • Proper focus on proper form will prevent you from injuring yourself.
  • Drink water in plenty.
  • You may consult a professional whenever you’d like personalized suggestions.

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