Language learning and language acquisition

Language Learning

The conscious and deliberate effort to acquire a new language, either through formal learning or self-study.


  • Requires instruction or guided learning.
  • Focuses on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
  • Possible emphasis on memorization and drill.
  • The learner understands that learning is happening.

Language Acquisition

The natural and subconscious processes of acquiring a native language or languages by children without any formal instruction.


  • It is a natural process through exposure and interaction with language in day-to-day situations.
  • There is unconscious imitation and recognition of patterns.
  • Focuses on communicating and understanding rather than on formalized rules.
  • The learner is not normally aware of any such process.

Similarities and Differences:


  • Both lead to being able to use a language for communication.
  • Vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation are learned in both ways.


  • Intentionality: Language learning is conscious, while language acquisition is subconscious.
  • Age: Language acquisition takes place in early childhood, whereas language learning may take place at any stage of life.
  • Environment: Language acquisition generally occurs naturally, while this is rarely true for language learning.
  • Self-awareness: The learner generally realizes what learning processes he/she is using whereas in language acquisition, awareness is largely lacking.
  • Effort: Language acquisition is generally easy to learn or requires little conscious attention while language learning takes a lot of hard work and conscious effort.

Factors Affecting Language Learning and Acquisition:

  • Age: Children acquire languages with more ease than adults.
  • Immersion: When one is exposed to native speakers and authentic language materials.
  • Motivation: The greater the desire to learn, the greater the chances are of one’s success.
  • Cognitive skills: Memory and attention span, as well as analytical ability, all help in making the learners successful.
  • Teaching and learning techniques: Those effective methods of teaching facilitate language acquisition and learning.

Significance of Language Learning and Acquisition:

  • Better communication and understanding of cultures.
  • Cognitive benefits (for example, enhanced memory and better problem-solving).
  • Employment opportunities and competition in a more global context.
  • Preservation of cultural heritage and linguistic diversity.

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